Useful Contacts and Resources
Disability and Psychosocial Related Resources
For support in a crisis please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency please call 000
For support in a crisis please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or in an emergency please call 000
The Growing Space Great resources and articles on all things disability and NDIS-related
WAIS Awesome easy read posters and fact sheets, with heaps of free printable and other resources
Reimagine All things related to Psychosocial Disability and navigating the NDIS
VALID Training tools, information and resources, and advocacy to help empower people with disability and their families.
Microboards Australia Information and resources to help set up Microboards
Belonging Matters Useful articles, fact sheets and resources relating to disability and the NDIS
Summer Foundation Great resource for Housing, ILO and Community Health resources
Trauma-Related Resources
Blue Knot Foundation
Foundation House
Psychological Trauma Recovery Service
The Geelong Clinic
Link Up Victoria
Berry Street
Phoenix Australia
Phone Counselling and Support Where people are in crisis and need to talk to someone about their distress or trauma, there are a range of organisations listed below that can assist them.
1300 22 4636
beyondblue is a national organisation that has a range of information and resources associated with depression and anxiety. Useful resources and further information are available on its website at or by contacting its Support Service on 1300 22 4636 (toll free). The Support Service runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential.
Lifeline Australia
13 11 14
Lifeline Australia provides a free, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone counselling service for adults needing emotional support. Lifeline Australia also has a range of information and resources available from their website, about providing care in times of crisis.
Mensline Australia
1300 78 99 78
Mensline Australia provides a free, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour professional telephone counselling service for men needing emotional support or in crisis. Mensline also has a range of information and resources available from their website, about providing support and taking care of yourself, in times of crisis.
Kids Help Line
1800 55 1800
A number of children and youth may also need emotional. Kids Help Line is a free and confidential, telephone counselling service for 5 to 25 year olds in Australia.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute provides a 24 hour free mobile phone/computer-based programme to assist those with mild to moderate depression, anxiety and stress (myCompass).
Suicide Prevention Services
For those at risk of suicide or self-harm the Suicide Callback Service is available seven days a week. Similarly, bereavement services are available 24 hours a day for those bereaved by suicide.
Suicide Callback Service
1300 659 467
The Suicide Callback Service is a free nation-wide telephone support service available to support people at risk of suicide and their carers, and is well suited to people who are geographically or emotionally isolated. The service can support callers through structured 50 minute telephone counselling sessions, scheduled according to the caller’s needs. The Suicide Callback Service operates seven days a week.
Wesley LifeForce – Wesley Mission
This project aims to build community capacity to engage in suicide prevention activity, improve access to appropriate services and to support those at risk of suicide and bereaved by suicide by building suicide prevention networks and providing education.
StandBy Response Service – United Synergies Ltd
The StandBy suicide Bereavement Response Service provides a 24 hour face to face response service for those bereaved by suicide, training for front line emergency response services in the community, and coordination of suicide response services.
WAIS Awesome easy read posters and fact sheets, with heaps of free printable and other resources
Reimagine All things related to Psychosocial Disability and navigating the NDIS
VALID Training tools, information and resources, and advocacy to help empower people with disability and their families.
Microboards Australia Information and resources to help set up Microboards
Belonging Matters Useful articles, fact sheets and resources relating to disability and the NDIS
Summer Foundation Great resource for Housing, ILO and Community Health resources
Trauma-Related Resources
Blue Knot Foundation
Foundation House
Psychological Trauma Recovery Service
The Geelong Clinic
Link Up Victoria
Berry Street
Phoenix Australia
Phone Counselling and Support Where people are in crisis and need to talk to someone about their distress or trauma, there are a range of organisations listed below that can assist them.
1300 22 4636
beyondblue is a national organisation that has a range of information and resources associated with depression and anxiety. Useful resources and further information are available on its website at or by contacting its Support Service on 1300 22 4636 (toll free). The Support Service runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential.
Lifeline Australia
13 11 14
Lifeline Australia provides a free, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone counselling service for adults needing emotional support. Lifeline Australia also has a range of information and resources available from their website, about providing care in times of crisis.
Mensline Australia
1300 78 99 78
Mensline Australia provides a free, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour professional telephone counselling service for men needing emotional support or in crisis. Mensline also has a range of information and resources available from their website, about providing support and taking care of yourself, in times of crisis.
Kids Help Line
1800 55 1800
A number of children and youth may also need emotional. Kids Help Line is a free and confidential, telephone counselling service for 5 to 25 year olds in Australia.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute provides a 24 hour free mobile phone/computer-based programme to assist those with mild to moderate depression, anxiety and stress (myCompass).
Suicide Prevention Services
For those at risk of suicide or self-harm the Suicide Callback Service is available seven days a week. Similarly, bereavement services are available 24 hours a day for those bereaved by suicide.
Suicide Callback Service
1300 659 467
The Suicide Callback Service is a free nation-wide telephone support service available to support people at risk of suicide and their carers, and is well suited to people who are geographically or emotionally isolated. The service can support callers through structured 50 minute telephone counselling sessions, scheduled according to the caller’s needs. The Suicide Callback Service operates seven days a week.
Wesley LifeForce – Wesley Mission
This project aims to build community capacity to engage in suicide prevention activity, improve access to appropriate services and to support those at risk of suicide and bereaved by suicide by building suicide prevention networks and providing education.
StandBy Response Service – United Synergies Ltd
The StandBy suicide Bereavement Response Service provides a 24 hour face to face response service for those bereaved by suicide, training for front line emergency response services in the community, and coordination of suicide response services.